11/18 WWE Main Event Results: Bray Wyatt vs. Jack Swagger, Adam Rose Continues the Bunny Saga, Usos in Tag Team Action

-Bray Wyatt comes down to the ring. He talks about being a god – second person tonight – and Dean Ambrose refusing to accept the gifts he’s being given. He promises to give everyone a gift tonight, and everyone will see the sacrifice of Jack Swagger. He promises that Ambrose will meet the same fate at Survivor Series. 


Wyatt goes to work with right hands and knee lifts, but Swagger catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Swagger goes into the corner with shoulder thrusts and knee lifts, and starts hammering away with clotheslines until the referee backs him off the ropes. Wyatt levels him with a massive clothesline and then stares down Zeb Colter. He continues the attack for several minutes, mostly in a rest hold, and follows up with a running splash. Swagger briefly comes back and tries to get his opponent in the Patriot Lock, but Bray hits him with Sister Abigail.