WWE RAW Results (10/20) – Rusev Crosses The Line, Title Implications For HIAC, Cena/Ambrose vs Authority!

Dean Ambrose is shown watching a horror movie when John Cena comes in and startles him, and Cena asks what he doing. Ambrose says he’s doing research, and says it’s See No Evil 2, and Cena looks upset that Ambrose isn’t taking their match very seriously. Ambrose says this will work, and they are kind of like a superhero movie, and Cena is like Superman, and he’s Batman. Cena asks if he’s serious, and Ambrose says this will all work out, and they will just work together and throw a lot of punches, and try to make a lot of them count. Cena says that’s actually a good idea, but Ambrose is more like the Joker, not Batman, then leaves as Ambrose continues to watch the movie. 

BP: Ambrose and Cena work so well together eventhough they are opposites. I love the DC Comics allusions, and the See No Evil plug worked well in the segment.

Brie Bella vs Summer Rae 

Summer knocks Brie down and applies a headlock, then Brie breaks it and connects with a kick before heading up top. Summer knocks her down and stomps her, then she whips Brie but Brie reverses it and heads to the middle turnbuckle. Brie connects with a missile dropkick, then she wins it with a facebuster. 

Winner – Brie Bella 

Dean Ambrose comes out to the ring with a large duffel bag and says he’s been having visions of what he would do to Seth Rollins when he finally gets his hands on him. He says Sunday lets him see his plans come to fruition, then he pulls a suitcase and a Rollins-themed dummy out of the bag. He puts it on a chair and says Rollins is the Authority’s puppet, and Rollins doesn’t like getting his hands dirty so he will rip his hands off on Sunday. Ambrose tears the arms off the doll and jams a screwdriver in the eyes, then he hits it with a hammer before pulling a hand saw out. Ambrose says he had a dream he cut Rollins’ testicles off, but then he remembered Rollins has no balls because he sold them to the Authority. He hits the mannequin in the crotch and gives it a piledriver, then Rollins cuts him off and says Ambrose has no chance of winning Sunday. (Cont’d…)