10/16 WWE NXT Results: Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd, Carmella Makes Her Debut, Lucha Dragons in Action & More

(3) Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte

Lots of grappling and counter-wrestling to start off the match. Becky takes advantage with a hammer lock early on, but Charlotte counters, onto to get caught in a leg lock. The champ rolls through and powers out, but Lynch hits a few arm drags. Charlotte with a backbreaker, and she locks in the Figure Four headlock. Becky bridges the hold into a pin on Charlotte, who has to break it to stay alive in the match. They trade big forearm shots and end up colliding; both women down. Lynch is up first, and she runs through the champ with a series of clotheslines. A running leg drop connects, followed by a second, and a third for a very close two-count. She tries for a suplex but Charlotte reverses with one of her own. Becky with a springboard side kick followed by a running crossbody for a close count. Neckbreaker counter, and Charlotte hits Natural Selection (formerly “Bow Down to the Queen”) for the win. 

Winner: Charlotte

KILLAM: WOW. Not more than five minutes, but what a great, fluid and technical match. Becky showed more offense and technical skill in this match than Bayley and Sasha Banks combined in their last few months of matches. Watch both of these two. If Becky doesn’t make the main roster, it’ll be a travesty.