TNA Talents Expecting Big Announcement Soon, How Kaz Hayashi Ended Up on the BFG Card, Bad News Barrett Update


TNA Talents Expecting Big Announcement Soon

Several TNA talents are expecting a big announcement, likely one regarding a new TV deal, within the next week. As of yesterday, the feeling is a new TV deal has yet to be signed, but is forthcoming.

With regards to Kaz Hayashi appearing at Bound for Glory, it’s being reported that Mike Tenay is the person responsible for getting him on the card. When Wrestle-1 and TNA officials were concerned with Samoa Joe’s not being able to carry the weight of a singles match due to his injury status, Tenay was the one who suggested Hayashi as the third competitor in the bout.

Bad News Barrett Update

Injured WWE star Bad News Barrett posted the following on Twitter, and as we’ve previously reported, he is eyeing a December ring return:



They told me that swimming would be good rehab for my shoulder. Who am I to argue with the experts? #ToughLife #BNB

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