Jim Ross Sends Message to Recently Released WWE Superstars; Blames WWE Creative for “Failure” to Develop Marketable Stars

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated his blog at jrsbarbq.com following the release of 11 WWE Superstars, on-air personalities, and one referee. This included a hopeful message to the talents released, encouraging them to continue pursuing their goals and dreams. 

For the young talents that are now non WWE talents, your dreams can still come true if that's the path with which you choose to commit. One thing is for sure….if one turns in their jersey then the game is over…your time has run out…and it's time to explore other options that hopefully are more structured and less volatile. In other words, don't quit if being in the business still resonates in your heart. By no means should any one cease attempting to live their dreams simply because they are no longer working in WWE or any other company for that matter.

JR also had a rather scathing message directed at those in charge of the WWE creative process: 

Perhaps those involved in creative should take a long look at their failure to come up with more marketable TV personas as these matters cannot be considered any thing other than a collective failure by several and that includes the talents who plateau on fundamental skill development even though their TV characters may be lacking in the eyes of many. The fact of the mater is that the team wins and the team loses so any failure such as cutting a talent has to be considered a team loss that is, again, inevitable, in the genre.