Number One Contender's Match
Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe
Roode sends Joe outside early on and follows with a neckbreaker for a near fall, then he chops Joe but Joe chops him back and charges him in the corner. Roode kicks him in the face and takes him down with a snapmare, then Joe fights out of a headlock and hits an atomic drop. Joe misses a backsplash but also avoids a kneedrop, then he hits Roode a few times before walking into a spinebuster. Roode taunts the crowd but Joe responds with a quick powerslam, then he sets up a Muscle Buster but Roode blocks it and hits a clothesline to the back of the head. Joe counters a Roode Bomb and calls for the Coquina Clutch, then Roode shoves him in the corner and goes for a running clothesline. Joe catches him and hits a Uranage slam, then he connects with a Muscle Buster and makes Roode tap out to the Coquina Clutch.
Winner – Samoa Joe
Dixie Carter and MVP come to the ring for their 'summit', and Dixie puts Magnus over as being a champion with dignity, and says they should stick together. Dixie talks about what a great job she's done so far and wants to talk about new ideas, but MVP stops her and says she has some ideas of his own. MVP says he's discovered they only agree to disagree, and her mismanagement has nearly crippled this company by making an uneven playing field. He says he won't stand idly and her reign of terror is over, so he will take any action to show her that the party is over.
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