WWE RAW Results (1/6) – Punk vs Reigns, RAW Goes Old School!

CM Punk (w/ The New Age Outlaws) vs Roman Reigns (w/ The Shield)

Punk isolates Reigns and puts him in a headlock, but Reigns throws him across the ring as we go to a commercial break. We get back to see Reigns take Punk down in a bearhug, but Punk breaks it and hits a crossbody and goes for a running knee strike. Reigns catches him and goes back to a bearhug, but Punk breaks it so Reigns hits a Samoan drop for two. Reigns sets up a Superman punch but Punk ducks and kicks him in the head, then they both take some time to get up as the Outlaws and Shield continue to talk trash. Punk kicks Reigns several times and ducks a clothesline, then he connects with some forearm shots and a neckbreaker for two. Punk hits a running knee in the corner for two, then he heads up top but Reigns cuts him off and they trade strikes, but Punk shoves him back and hits an elbow drop.

Punk calls for a GTS but Ambrose jumps on the apron, then Road Dogg pulls him down and they start fighting on the floor. Punk splashes them on the floor and sends Rollins over the table, then he climbs back up top but Reigns catches Punk with a Superman punch off the ropes. Reigns gets a two count before he sets up spear, but Punk leapfrogs him and rolls him up for another near fall. Reigns gathers his composure and turns to Punk, but Punk hits a roundhouse kick for a near fall before setting up a GTS. Reigns elbows him a few times and Punk goes for a bulldog, but Reigns throws Punk into Ambrose on the apron before Punk turns back and Reigns spears him for the win. Post match, The Shield celebrates together, but Jake The Snake Roberts cuts it short and the Outlaws and Punk help take The Shield down before Roberts taunts a dazed Ambrose with a 'new' Damien.

Winner – Roman Reigns

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