WWE RAW Results (12/16) – Punk/Usos vs Shield, Fans Vote Rhodes’ Opponents, Bryan vs Orton

Randy Orton storms into the Authority's office and asks how they can do this to him, but Stephanie tells him to calm down and listen. She says Daniel Bryan was almost decimated last night, so they thought this would be good for him and now he can prove himself. HHH says he will face more competition and everyone is after him, but he just has to prove why he's champion, and they'll have his back.

Fandango (w/ Summer Rae) vs Dolph Ziggler

Dolph catches Fandango with a dropkick and sends him outside, but Fandango hits a quick clotheslines and dances around before rolling Dolph back in. Fandango kicks Dolph in the back of the head before they slug it out, then Fandango hits a heel kick for a two count before slapping Dolph. Fandango applies a headlock but Dolph fights out, then he hits the ropes but Dolph rolls him up for the surprise win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Big E Langston & Mark Henry

Langston hits the ropes and leapfrogs Swagger, then he sends him into the corner before Cesaro tags in and Langston takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Swagger gets back in and Swagger tells him to calm down, then Henry gets in and fights out of a bearhug with a hard elbow. Henry headbutts him in the corner and whips him across the ring, then he whips Langston into Swagger and Langston follows with a shoulder tackle. Henry slams Swagger on the mat and Langston connects with some mounted punches, then he clotheslines Swagger for a near fall. Cesaro runs in and gets hiptossed, then Henry headbutts him but Cesaro knocks him back down and Swagger reenters with some right hands. Swagger hits the ropes and Henry clotheslines him, then they hit a double shoulder tackle and Langston press slams Cesaro. Langston clotheslines Cesaro out to the floor, then Cesaro gets on the apron so Langston hiptosses him back in and backdrops him off the ropes.

Cesaro fights back with some right hands, but Langston hits the ropes and goes for a splash, only to have Swagger pull him outside and throw him into the commentary table. We get back to see Cesaro tackle Langston and hit a gutwrench slam, then Swagger applies a front facelock but Langston throws him across the ring and tries to tag out. Cesaro runs in and cuts him off, then he slingshots him into a Swagger powerslam, then Swagger applies an armbar but Langston finally breaks free and backdrops Swagger outside and suplexes Cesaro. Henry connects with some headbutts, then he powerslams Cesaro and shoulder tackles Swagger before Cesaro dropkicks him. Cesaro hits an uppercut and goes for the Giant Swing, but Langston had already blind tagged in and he hits a shoulder tackle and a Big Ending for the win.

Winners – Big E Langston & Mark Henry


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