WWE Live Event Results (11/12): Newcastle, England

wwe live eventThe Miz vs Kofi Kingston

Began as a face vs face but then Miz gradually turned into the heel, getting quite a lot of heat. Miz kept Kofi grounded most of the match untill out of nowhere Kofi hits his finisher for the win.

Justin Roberts announces Fandango vs Santino with fan vote (Dance off or Match) which was so obviously rigged as polling results were shown before anyone could actually get their phones out. Huge chants for a Match but a Dance Off was announced which got the biggest heat of the night. Even kids were booing.

Santino won and hit cobra at the end and also kissed Summer.

Real Americans vs Los Matadores

Zeb cuts the usual English bashing promo and uses the same joke as last year when he says 'hello Sunderland'. Huge heat again. Was great to see the Cesaro swing in real life but los matadors picked up the win using their finisher on Cesaro. After the match El Torito headbutts Zeb.

The Shield vs Rhodes Brothers & Big E Langston

Awesome match. Cody gets the win with a roll up on Ambrose. After the match The Shield ambush the celebrating Cody and Big E but then Goldust clears the ring with a steal chair.

Aksana vs Alicia Fox

Very nonPG if you ask me. Not that I was complaining but I seen a mother who was quite upset with the way Aksana provocatively moved around the ring. Some chants for 'Smirnoff Vodka'. Fox wins with roll up.

Zack Ryder vs Wade Barrett

Huge pop for Barrett and loads of heat for Ryder. Ryder acted as the heel throughout. Wade wins with the elbow to the face.

Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler

Sandow cuts a promo saying despite he no longer has the case he is still the uncrowned world champion. Really good match. The crowd was firmly behind Ziggler. Sandow picked up the victory with his finisher after a rake to the eyes.

Randy Orton vs The Big Show

Orton kept rolling out of the ring for 5 mins and then when he stayed in the ring he kept a sleeperhold on Show for another 5 mins. Show eventually made a comeback and was about to hit the KO punch until Kane's music hit. RKO for the victory. Kane signalled for The Shield to come out and they went to work on Show. Big Show cleared the ring with chokeslams. Kane and Show had a staredown and Kane went to take his suit off but then backed up the ramp.

Biggest Reactions-


1. Justin Roberts

2. Wade Barrett

3. Dolph Ziggler


1. Dance Off

2. Zeb Coulter

3. The Miz

Lots of YES! chants throughout and everyone joined in with Fandango's theme.

The majority of the crowd were wearing Dbry, Punk or Cena shirts and many were obviously upset when none of them showed up.

Courtesy of WrestleZone reader: FullBloodedNorthumbrian