WWE RAW Results (10/28) – Sandow Cashes In, Bryan Attacked, Orton’s Championship Celebration


WWE Monday Night RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
October 28th 2013

John Cena comes out and says he's back, and there's still a difference of opinion, but he wants to thank one doubter and calls JBL out by name. Cena says he had to listen to JBL for weeks talk about how he wasn't ready, but Cena is there to thank him for motivation and he was wrong. He says the new champ is here, and he's here to fight on RAW on Smackdown, so he may have to ice his arm once in a while but he is ready to go. Cena says Alberto Del Rio has a rematch coming, so he should come get it if he wants it, and he's not going anywhere because he runs the show. Damien Sandow cuts him off and says the uncrowned champ is here, and Cena might be fooling people, but he isn't fooled.

Sandow says it's impossible for a triceps to heal this quickly, and he knows Cena's more hurt than he is showing, and his speech is all a charade. Sandow says Cena is afraid he will cash in on him, then he says he can cash in right now and hands the briefcase to the referee. He pulls it back and says maybe another time, then he kicks Cena and beats him with the case before slamming Cena's arm off the ringpost. Sandow whips him shoulder first into the barricade, then he picks him up and throws him into the ring steps before he gets a chair. He puts Cena's arm on the steps and smashes it with the chair, then he says his time is now and calls for a referee and hands him the briefcase.

World Heavyweight Championship
Damien Sandow vs John Cena (c)

We get back from a break to see Cena get to his feet, then the ref rings the bell and Cena jabs at Sandow but Sandow jumps down on his arm for a near fall. Sandow slams Cena shoulder first into the ringpost, then he knees Cena's shoulder and legdrops him before applying a hammerlock. Cena counters with a belly-to-belly suplex, then he moves across the ring but Sandow armdrags him and stomps on his arm. Sandow attacks him in the corner and suplexes him, then we get back from a break to see Cena punch Sandow and hit a diving clothesline. Cena hits a sitout side slam and grabs his arm, then he calls for a Five Knuckle Shuffle but Sandow punches his arm and hits a neckbreaker for two. (Cont'd…)


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