WWE Live Event Results (9/14): London, Ontario (Detailed Report)

Thanks to WZ reader Raheel for sending in the following report:
Before the show started, went by the merchandise stand and was extremely surprised to see they had no Daniel Bryan items except for the YES towel. How were they not selling his tshirts was beyond my belief.
Arena was nicely full, a lot of people came out to the show considering no top talents were there (Bryan, Punk, Orton, Cena etc) Unlike the other report who stated that Bryan was advertised but no showed, actually both Bryan and Fandango were advertised in the original card but were later removed & Christian did not show up due to his injury. Before the show started, they announced whether the Divas should have a tag team match or a dance off & wanted the fans vote for the decision.
Opening Match: Over the top rope Battle Royal (Winner takes on Del Rio for the Championship in the Main Event)
Superstars included were Kofi Kingston, The Uso’s, Justin Gabriel, Damien Sandow, JTG, Big E, Bo Dallas, Hunico & Dolph Ziggler. Surprised to see JTG still has a job and didn’t even know Hunico was still around! Big E cleaned house by body slamming everyone which received a nice pop from the fans. During the match Sandow snuck outside the ring with his briefcase which prompted a loud “Shandow Sucks” chant from our section above. Ziggler was the last man standing & thought he won, Sandow came back in tried to eliminate him but ended up getting tossed out!
2nd Match: Divas AJ Lee & Layla vs Naomi & Cameron
Dance off won in the poll, Layla broke out in a comedic routine. Naomi & Cameron proceed to dance before getting attacked by the AJ & Layla. This turned into a tag team bout, standard divas match Naomi & Cameron pick up the win, do their dance routine & leave.
3rd Match: Triple threat match for the NXT Championship Bo Dallas vs Gabriel vs Hunico
Good match with exciting high flying spots between the three. Dallas & Hunico teamed up on Gabriel in the beginning before turning on each other. Gabriel hit a nice 450 splash, Dallas came in threw him out of the
Ring and got the pin.
4th Match: 6 man tag team match Kofi Kingston & Uso’s vs the Wyatt Family
Got to see the Wyatt family’s epic entrance live, very cool & eery! Good match with the Wyatt family taking control of Kofi majority of the match before giving the hot tag to Uso. End result Wyatt family pick up the win!
Little kids behind me were fully cheering for Wyatts the entire match, which deservingly got their props.
Intermission (A Macho Man impersonator wearing the full flashy gear & all was taking pictures with fans during intermission)
5th Match: The Great Khali vs JTG
Standard Khali match with the Ric Flair chops to the chest, boot & finishing move on JTG. Khali is massive! While standing in the ring, the top rope is beneath his chest but he walks very slowly and awkwardly as if he is about to fall down any moment.
6th Match: Big E Langston vs Damien Sandow
Sandow cut a promo prior to the match which generated a lot of heat from the fans. Big E came out to cheers and was the clear cut favourite in this match. Big E won with the Big Ending & Sandow left with a drown of boos.
7th Match: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler World Heavyweight Championship
Del Rio came out first and went straight to the fans, took someone’s sign & ripped it up! He also wanted his introduction done in Spanish, so a fan sitting front row did his introduction in true Ricardo Rodriguez fashion which drew some cheers from the crowd. Ziggler came out to a huge pop! Lots of stalling by Del Rio after the bell rung, the two officially didn’t lock up for a good 5-10 mins. Excellent back & forth match between the two! Lots of “Lets Go Ziggler” chants throughout! There was even a loud YES YES YES chant that broke out! Ziggler wins the match via DQ & sends everyone home happy. 
Overall a fun show considering the card wasn’t stacked with many superstars, crowd had fun & enjoyed! After the show many fans stood outside the arena by the parking lot to catch a glimpse of the Superstarts & Divas leaving, all of them acknowledged the fans from inside their vehicles. Ziggler was the last one out, he put his bags in the car and came by to greet, sign & take pictures with each & every fan standing outside. Definitely a stand up, polite & cool guy! Made my night to meet the Show Off!!
Huge Pops of the night: Ziggler, The Great Khali, Big E, Kofi & the Wyatt family
Biggest Heat of the night: Damien Sandow, Alberto del Rio 


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