TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/15) – BFG Series Gets Hardcore, Mafia Looks For Replacement, Bully Ray vs Chris Sabin

Aries and Hardy fight on a ladder before AJ tries to pulls Aries down, and he transitions into a Styles Clash attempt but Kaz takes them out with a STO, with Aries still in the Clash position. Hardy and Kaz fight at the top of a ladder but Aries takes them out with a dropkick, then he climbs a ladder as Bobby Roode and Christopher Daniels make their way out. AJ springboards up to the ladder and slugs it out with him, then Hardy takes Kaz out with a Twist of Fate and starts climbing the ladder. Daniels gets on the apron and Roode tries to interfere, but Hardy takes care of him and heads up top, only to have Kaz hit him with the appletini glass and grab the clipboard.

Winner – Kaz

Chris Sabin is shown walking backstage when he's asked about his preparation for tonight, and he says one of his favorite memories of Bully Ray happened before he (Sabin) was a wrestler. He says he saw Bully Ray and Devon put a man through a flaming table covered in thumbtacks so he knows they are tough, but he's still the champion. Sabin says he won't take Bully lightly, but they said he couldn't beat Bully once, and they say he can't do it again. Sabin says he beat Bully again last week, and tonight he makes it three in a row when he walks out of the building with his World Heavyweight Championship.

Dixie Carter joins the Main Event Mafia in the ring and talks about Kurt Angle entering rehab, and she says they don't know when he'll be back but she wishes him well. The Aces and Eights cut her off and Ken Anderson says they get a week to find a replacement, but that doesn't mean they aren't excited. Anderson says they could end Rampage's short wrestling career, or it could be Joe's, then he assures them they are just talking before suggesting they get rid of Sting for good. Anderson mocks the crowd and tells them to soak it in, then Magnus says he should worry about his immediate future. (Cont'd…)


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