Third ROH Title Tournament Entrant Announced, Gerald Brisco Scouting Talent at Monster Factory Seminar on 7/20

ROHGerald Brisco Scouting Talent at Monster Factory Seminar on 7/20

WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco will be at the world famous Monster Factory on July 20th to help evaluate prospects for Monster Factory's wrestling school & active roster. Mr. Brisco will also be on hand for a two hour seminar following the tryouts & for the Monster Factory Pro Wrestling show that night! Great opportunity for any current wrestlers or future wrestlers!

Third ROH Title Tournament Entrant Announced

ROH has announced that Karl Anderson will be the third entrant in the tournament to crown a new ROH Champion which kicks off on July 27th in Providence, Rhode Island. ROH previously announced Michael Elgin and Brian Kendrick as the first two tournament entrants.


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