WWE Smackdown Results (6/21) – Axel Defends Against Barrett, Jericho vs Alberto, Bryan vs Orton

Jericho throws him into the barricade and kicks him in the stomach, then he rolls Alberto back in and threatens to hit Ricardo.Alberto superkicks Jericho as he gets back in, then we get back from a break to see Alberto throw Jericho into the barricade and kick him in the head. Alberto rolls him back in and tries to tackle him in the corner, but Jericho dives away and Alberto hits the ringpost, then Jericho follows with a top rope axe handle smash. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho but Alberto rolls through and kicks him back, then he kicks Jericho in the head and gets a near fall. Alberto knees him in the head a few times and goes for an enziguiri, but Jericho ducks and hits a top rope cross body for two.

Jericho bulldogs him and connects with a Lionsault, then Alberto kicks his shins and calls for the Cross Armbreaker. Jericho fights it off and goes for the Walls again, but Ricardo jumps on the apron so Jericho pulls him in the ring and puts him in the Walls (Liontamer style) while Dolph Ziggler runs in and attacks Alberto. Dolph and Jericho argue about what just happened, then Jericho drops him with a Codebreaker while Alberto looks on. Alberto gets back in the ring and taunts Dolph, then Ricardo holds him up but some referees run out and stop him. Alberto says he won't do anything, then he superkicks him and taunts him some more before leaving the ring. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Alberto Del Rio

Drew McIntyre (w/ 3MB) vs Christian

Christian throws Drew outside and dropkicks him, then he drop toe holds him into the ropes and punches him on the ropes before heading back in. Drew catches him offguard and slams him down, then he taunts Christian but Christian comes back with a diving elbow from the middle rope. Slater interferes so Christian slides underneath him and sweeps his legs, then Jinder jumps up while Drew tries to drop Christian with a side suplex. Christian floats over and drops Drew with the Killswitch for the win, then he cuts a promo about how great it is to be back and he wants that 'one more match.' The Shield comes out and surrounds the ring, then he tries to fight them off but they get the best of him and powerbomb him before leaving.

Winner – Christian