5/6 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – The Shield in Action, Y2J Makes a Surprise Return & More

A dance-off between Chris Jericho and Fandango is announced for next week's episode of Monday Night Raw. 

Ryback vs. Kane

Ryback goes on the offensive immediately, slamming Kane into the corner and firing away with several shoulder thrusts. They brawl to the outside as we go to our final commercial of the night. 

When we come back, Ryback is still in control of Kane, with an armbar locked in. He attacks the big man with a Thesz press, and slams Kane into the match several times. The Big Red Monster backs into the corner and catches Ryback with a big boot. He goes for the chokeslam, but it gets countered. Kane with a running lariat, followed by a clothesline into the corner. Ryback comes out of nowhere with a spinebuster, and signals for the end. 

Ryback tries for Shellshock, but Kane counters and hits him with a suplex for a close two-count. He heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Ryback hits the ropes and crotches the big man. Shellshock connects – 1…2…3.

Winner: Ryback

The Shield's music goes off, and Ryback bails from the ring leaving Kane alone. Daniel Bryan makes the save for his partner and stands over Kane as Ryback looks on. John Cena's music sounds and the champ rushes down to the ring; Kane has rolled out of the ring to…somewhere. The Shield circles the ring, but Ryback makes the save with a steal chair. Daniel Bryan suicide dives onto Seth Rollins, but Ryback hits Cena with the steal chair instead. Shield leaves the ring, and Ryback stands tall over Cena to end the night.