5/6 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – The Shield in Action, Y2J Makes a Surprise Return & More

Mark Henry makes his way out, and says that Sheamus is about to come out here and act tough, beat his chest and do the Celtic pose. But the difference between the two is that Henry doesn't have to "act" tough, he just has to show up and hurt people. The crowd starts to "what" chant him, but he plays it up saying the same thing over and over again, before calling them all a bunch of puppets. Henry shows footage of the beatdowns he's given to Sheamus over the last month, and then tells him if he was a man he'd face him at Extreme Rules. 

Sheamus makes his way out and says that the video Henry showed is only half the picture, and rolls footage of the several Brogue Kicks he's delivered to him over the past few weeks. Mark says Sheamus better be serious when the step into the ring at Extreme Rules, because people will remember the match for the rest of existence. Sheamus says he's a care-free guy, but when the bell rings he's going to be all business. They take off their shirts and get ready to fight, but Wade Barrett makes his way out to interrupt them. 

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

Most of this match is had during a commercial break. When they come back, Sheamus throws Barrett onto Mark Henry, who is sitting in a chair at ringside. Henry gets up, but Sheamus hits him with the Brogue Kick. Back in the ring now, and Barrett almost steals a pin with a roll-up. He hits the Winds of Change but again only picks up two. Sheamus goes for Brogue, but Barrett ducks under and hits a mule kick, followed by a foream into the jaw. Barrett attempts the Bullhammer, but Sheamus ducks under it and connects with White Noise. He pumps up the crowd for the Brogue Kick, and plants the Intercontinental Champion for a count of three. 

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Mark Henry hits the ring and attacks Sheamus with a belt. He continues to swing away at the Irishman, wrapping the belt around his fist and lands right after right. The go to the outside and Henry hits Sheamus with the World's Strongest Slam on the floor. 


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