Complete ROH “Supercard of Honor VII” iPPV Results

ROH World Tag Team Championship
American Wolves vs. ReDRagon (c) 

For those of you who don't know, the champions known as "ReDRagon" are Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly, taking on the "American Wolves" Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. The champs are in control early on, isolating Richards and keeping him from tagging in his partner. Davey counters into a surfboard stretch out of nowhere, until Fish hits the ring and breaks it up with a kick to the back. Richards catches Bobby Fish with a dropkick and makes the hot tag to Eddie Edwards. 

Eddie hits the ring and gets a Codebreaker on Fish. Fisherman Buster finds its mark, but Fish kicks out before the three. The ref gets distrated by Davey on the apron, and the heels again go with the numbers game. The Wolves regroup and attempt stereo suicide dives, but Fish and O'Reilly hit the ring at the same time and catch them with lariats. The champs' momentum doesn't last long as they get thrown to the oustide once again; this time the suicide dives find their mark. 

ReDRagon battles back and Fish rolls back into the ring. O'Reilly places Davey Richards up against the barricade, and Fish comes off the tope rope with a dropkick to put him through it! Back in the ring after a few moments, and Eddie is being worked over by the heels. He counters a double team manuever by suplexing Fish, and then suplexing O'Reilly on top of his partner. Davey gets the hot tag and goes to town with about a dozen kicks to the mid-section of both guys, stacked up in the corner. He catches Kyle with a kick to the side of the head and bridge pin, but only gets a two-count. 

The Wolves catch O'Reilly with a double team Codebreak-type move, followed by a half-dozen slaps to the face. Bridge pin, but Kyle kicks out again. Fish makes it back to the ring and they go to work on Davey Richards, but he takes out Fish and locks in a Trailer Hitch. Fish kicks Davey, but Richards refues to let the hold go! Richards gets him with an ankle lock, and has a submission on both of the champs at the same time. They get to the ropes and he is forced to make the break.

Davey goes for a superkick, but accidentally kicks his own partner as Fish ducks out of the way. He exchanges a series of crazy kicks with O'Reilly, and catches him with a high kick to the temple, and both men fall down exhausted. Big "this is awesome" chant from the crowd. Richards makes the tag to Eddie, but the ref doesn't see it and he gets caught by the champs. Davey battles back with kicks to the champs, but he gets suplexed right on his head! 1…2…NO! He kicks out! Eddie finally gets into the match and goes up to the top rope with O'Reilly – superplex, rolled into another standing suplex with a kick to the head by Davey Richards. Double stop by Davey, top rope double stop by Eddie – still a kick out before three. 

Finish comes when Davey rolls up Fish for a pin, but he gets thrown off into a big kick from O'Reilly on the outside. Fish rolls him up and has a handful of tights for the 3-count. 

Results: ReDRagon retains via pinfall


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