3/14 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – AJ Styles Returns, Hulk Hogan Empowers the TNA Locker Room

TNA Impact Wrestling

March 14th, 2013

TNA and Impact Wrestling is live tonight from the Sears Centre in Chicago, Illinois. 

The Aces & Eights kick off tonight's show and introduce us to the new World Heavyweight Champion…Bully Ray! Bully and Taz embrace at ringside before the new champ gets in the ring and is given a brand new Aces & Eights leather jacket. Their theme song actually has words now! 

Chicago gives him a pretty mixed reaction, with some legitimate cheers, as to be expected. Bully asks us if we know who he is, and puts himself over as the guy who used Sting, screwed Brooke and made a fool out of Hulk Hogan. The new World Champion talks about Lockdown and having a big father/son talk with Hulk Hogan. Chicago is chanting for Hogan so loud it's hard to hear Bully talk. He tells the Hulkster the Aces & Eights are bigger than the nWo and he doesn't have the balls to fire him. 

Backstage, Sting is mad. That's about it. 

They show a clip of Sunday's Knockouts match, with Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell getting in each others face, and Velvet Sky picking up the win. As she makes her way to the ring, Gail Kim announces that Taryn is on probation. 

Gail Kim & Tara vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky

Velvet and Gail trade Japanese armdrags until Mickie James tags in and fires away at her opponent in the corner. A big kick to the side of the head connects, and James knocks Tara off the apron as they head to a commercial. The heels are in control when we come back, as Tara goes old school and locks in the Tarantula over the ropes until the ref makes her break the hold. Gail Kim makes a tag and chokes James into the top rope with her boot, and once again Taryn gets in her face. James comes out of nowhere with a hurricanrana, and they take each other out with stereo clotheslines.

Velvet and Tara make the hot tags, and they brawl as Gail and Taryn go at it. Gail begs the ref to hit her, and shoves her to the ground. Instead of throwing out the match with a DQ, Taryn smacks the former champ in the face. Tara gets the Widow's Peak on Mickie James, but Velvet Sky plants her with In Yo' Face for the 3-count. 

Results: Velvet Sky & Mickie James win via pinfall