WWE Smackdown (2/15) – Orton Fights Henry Again, The Rock Appears, Big Show Vs Jericho

The Rock comes out and says he wants to make something perfectly clear, and he tells Punk he has a stolen title but he's not a champion. He says Punk is going to make a trade, and he's going to trade back his title for an ass kicking on Sunday that he will remember for the rest of his life. Rock says Punk is going to suffer, because he acts like a spoiled little boy and Rock will make sure Punk never touches the belt again. Punk appears on the Titantron and says it's a title, not a belt, then he says Rock is a hypocrite because he's in the ring crying about not getting his way.

Punk says he wants Rock to get mad because it will make him winning that much easier, and he is going to let Rock beat himself and end all of this. Rock says Punk talks a big game, but these days his words are worthless because Punk said he would win at the Royal Rumble and he got beat. He says at the end of the night he failed, so he should go home and think about why he is standing Rock's way, and he is going to Wrestlemania as champion. Rock says Heyman and Punk know it, and so do the people, if you smell what The Rock is cookin'.

3MB vs Brodus Clay & Tensai 

Slater mocks Tensai with some air guitar and gets knocked on the mat, then Tensai hits him a few times but Slater takes a cheap shot and tags out. Jinder hits a running knee and applies a headlock, then he goes for a crossbody blocks but Tensai counters with a front slam. Brodus tags in and hits some clotheslines, then he hits an exploder suplex and whips Slater in the corner as Tensai attacks Jinder. They trade off on corner splashes, then Tensai hits a chokebomb before Brodus hits the Funk It Splash for the win. They start to celebrate but The Shield cuts it off, then they run to the ring and attack both men before they triple bomb Brodus and Ambrose asks for a mic. He says this Sunday will be more of the same, and John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback will learn what consequences are, then they leave through the crowd. 

Winners – Brodus Clay & Tensai