Raw Recording Note, Tout Update, Piper Played By Wahlberg?

Issues Recording WWE Raw

Plenty of readers have sent in word that their cable providers changed the way it lists WWE Raw each week. Comcast and some other systems are apparently listing each individual hour separately, so if you had your DVR set to record Raw without making any changes, it only recorded the first hour this past week. If this happened to you, check and see if Raw is being split into three shows now instead of one.

Where's Tout Been?

If you haven't noticed, WWE has been scaling back on it's Tout promotion for a while. As you may recall, Tout is the video sharing platform in which WWE had a vested interested. The Wrestling Observer is reporting WWE's total investment in Tout was $5 million, representing a 5.2% stake in the company. The service hasn't taken off to any great degree by this point, so WWE has pulled back its major promotion of the service. Rather, their primary focus is getting fans to download the WWE app, which is the latest project.

Roddy Piper Movie

Rowdy Roddy Piper claims there are two scripts out for movies about his life. One was reportedly written by Iocono, who writes for the Jimmy Kimmel show. Mark Wahlberg has been approached about playing the lead part in the other script.


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