WWE Smackdown Results (2/1) – Orton vs Barrett, An ‘All-American’ Return, Does Alberto Get Revenge On Big Show?

Alberto Del Rio is still waiting outside as a car pulls up to the arena, then he goes into hiding as Big Show's tour bus pulls up behind it. Show looks around as he steps off the bus, then Alberto swings a pipe at him but Show moves out of the way. He tries to beg Alberto off but Alberto keeps swinging and smashing up the car, then they fight on the car a bit before Show gets away. Alberto ends up on the opposite side of the car and tries to corner Show, but he ends up running towards another car and takes off in it as Alberto swings wildly at the getaway vehicle. We get back after a break to see Ricardo Rodriguez (in a neckbrace) heading to the ring, but Alberto stops him and says he should stay back so he doesn't get hurt again.  

Dolph Ziggler (w/ AJ Lee & Big E Langston) vs Alberto Del Rio

Dolph and Alberto trade off on armbars, then Alberto kicks him in the corner and bodyslams him before going for a middle rope moonsault. Dolph rolls away but Alberto lands on his feet, then he goes for a running corner attack but Dolph sends him into the ringpost and follows with a DDT for two. He kicks Alberto and hits a neckbreaker for another near fall, then he connects with an elbow drop before putting him in a headlock. Alberto counters with a release German suplex, then he kicks Dolph in the head and climbs the top rope but AJ jumps on the apron to distract the ref.

Big E throws him from the turnbuckles and Dolph gets a near fall, then Dolph whips him across the ring and Big E tries to interfere again. Alberto kicks Big E in the chest and the ref has seen enough, then he throws Big E out and Dolph complains about it as we go to a break. We get back from a break to see Alberto attacking Dolph in the corner, then he hits a superplex before they trade kicks and Dolph sends him into the corner. He punches Alberto a few times but misses a corner splash, then Alberto hits Dolph a few times and drops him with a bodyslam. (Cont'd…)


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