WWE Results (1/14) – RAW’s 20th Anniversary, New Divas Champion, The Rock Concert Ends In A Brawl

The first inductee into the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame, Mick Foley, is introduced by Justin Roberts, then Mick comes to the ring but immediately gets cut off by The Shield. Foley tries to prepare himself as they get in the ring, but Ryback comes out to even things up and runs to the ring. Ryback sends Reigns into the corner and throws Rollins over the ropes, then he takes out Ambrose and pummels Reigns on the mat. The numbers catch up on him but Randy Orton runs out for the save, then The Shield knocks him down but Sheamus runs out and takes out the three men. Ryback lifts Ambrose and drops him with Shell Shocked, then The Shield retreats up the ramp as Ryback stands tall with Sheamus and Orton. Josh Mathews asks Ryback for his thoughts, and Ryback says he won't rest until he gets payback, then he starts chanting 'Feed Me Shield.'

Divas Championship
Kaitlyn vs Eve Torres (c)

Eve ties up with Kaitlyn and puts her in a side headlock, then Kaitlyn breaks it with an elbow so Eve slides outside and tries to regain her composure. Kaitlyn kicks at her and punches her in the corner, then Eve tells the ref to call her away and kicks her in the face. Eve drops her with a clothesline for a near fall, then she connects with a somersault senton and whips Kaitlyn into the corner. Eve chokes her on the turnbuckles before taking her down with an inverted headscissors, then she keeps the hold locked in and tries for a submission. Kaitlyn makes it to the ropes and goes for a pin attempt, then she hits a few clotheslines and hits an inverted DDT for a close two count.

Kaitlyn moves towards Eve and gets kicks in the knees, then Eve hits a neckbreaker for another close two count and she can't believe it. Eve loses it and punches Kaitlyn, but Kaitlyn gets pissed and hits a fireman's carry gutbuster that sends Eve rolling out of the ring. Kaitlyn goes after her but Eve throws her over the barricade, then Eve rolls inside and doesn't see Kaitlyn sneak around to the other side of the ring. Eve tells the ref to count her out, not realizing Kaitlyn slid in behind her, then she turns around and Kaitlyn hits a spear to win the championship.

Winner – Kaitlyn


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