WWE RAW Results (12/17) – Slammy Awards, WWE Legends Return, AJ Introduces New Alliance?

3MB vs Alberto Del Rio, The Miz & Tommy Dreamer

Alberto and Drew tie up in the corner but Drew punches him in the corner, then Alberto comes back with an enziguiri before tagging Dreamer in. Dreamer listens as Slater talks trash, then he mocks his dancing and punches him in the face before flapjacking him in middle of the ring. Jinder and Drew jump in and start a brawl, but Alberto and Miz clear the ring, then Alberto hits a suicide dive while Dreamer hits a top rope elbow. We get back from a break to see Dreamer hits a side slam, then he tags Miz in and Miz drops Slater with a clothesline and a backdrop. Miz hits a corner clothesline but Jinder pulls him off the apron, then Slater elbows him and throws him into the barricade before rolling back in.

Drew tags in and puts him in an armbar, then Miz punches him and goes for a sunset flip but Drew punches him in the head and stomps him in the corner. Jinder comes in and slams him on the mat, then he puts him in a chinlock but Miz counters with a backbreaker/neckbreaker combo. Slater jumps in and prevents Miz from tagging out, then he applies a front facelock but Miz makes it to his feet so Slater throws him in the corner. 3MB punches Miz in the corner and Slater kicks him in the head, then Slater taunts him with some air guitar but Miz almost rolls him up with a school boy pin attempt.

Jinder tags in and elbows him, then Drew throws him up in the air and lets him slam down before mocking him. Drew tells him to reach for a tag before stomping his hands, then Slater puts him in a side headlock and punches Dreamer but Miz is still able to tag out. Alberto hits a backbreaker and throws Drew off the apron, then he connects with an enziguiri for a near fall before Jinder breaks it up. Miz sends him outside as Alberto hits a step up enziguiri, then he goes for a Cross Armbreaker but looks up and sees Dreamer asking for the tag. Alberto looks reluctant to tag out, but he lets go of Slater and tags Dreamer, who drops Slater with a DDT to pick up the win.

Winners – Alberto Del Rio, The Miz & Tommy Dreamer


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