WWE RAW Results (12/3) – Vince McMahon Returns, New Match & Stipulation At TLC, CM Punk Takes Lie Detector Test

Brad Maddox vs Randy Orton 

Maddox tries to run but Orton grabs him by the hair, then Maddox elbows him in the head but Orton throws him on the floor. Orton hits a clothesline before rolling him inside, then he hits a hanging DDT and a RKO to pick up the quick win. The Shield ambushes Orton after the bell and beats him in the corner, then they repeatedly stomp him before hitting the three man powerbomb and leave him in the ring. 

Winner – Randy Orton

Vickie Guerrero is shown screaming at referee Charles Robinson about what just happened, and she says she can't be involved in this. Dolph Ziggler comes in and asks her why he is defending his briefcase, but Vickie says it was Vince McMahon's idea and he already asked for the match. She asks what he thought would happen, then he tells her AJ Lee made him do this once before and she is becoming just like AJ was. Paul Heyman walks in and stares her down, but Vickie says he should hope that CM Punk is telling the truth and tells him to leave. John Cena walks in and says he is happy that she made the ladder match, then he thanks her and says he can't wait to get his hands on Dolph at TLC.

Cena says he has a place in history when he became the first man to fail on a cash in, but he will win this briefcase and become champion again. Vickie stops him and says she had the crew clean out the Divas locker room, and they found some bows with Cena's picture on them in AJ's locker. She says she warned him about AJ being attached, but Cena denies it and says they are fake because the colors are wrong. Cena tells her to stop with the witch hunt because it's not working, then Vickie says he should learn from his past because history will repeat itself.