WWE RAW Results (12/3) – Vince McMahon Returns, New Match & Stipulation At TLC, CM Punk Takes Lie Detector Test

Alberto tries to tear his mask off but Cara punches him in the face, then Alberto comes back with a German suplex for another near fall. Alberto measures him in the corner and goes for a shoulder tackle, but Cara rolls out of the way and kicks Alberto in the head. He heads up top and connects with a swinging DDT, then he kicks Alberto a few times before hitting a flying crossbody block for a near fall. Cara stays on offense with an inverted DDT, then he goes for a senton bomb but Alberto rolls out of the way. Cara goes for La Mistica but Alberto counters it, then he pulls him to the mat and gets him to tap out to the Cross Armbreaker for the win.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio

Vince McMahon arrives at the arena and tells a stagehand to send Vickie Guerrero to the ring, because he needs to have a conversation with her right now. Vickie introduces him and tells the fans to clap, then Vince says he needs to address her matches that she has made for the TLC pay-per-view. He says it needs to be big so John Cena versus Dolph Ziggler needs a stipulation, and she says they should have a no disqualification match but Vince doesn't like it. Vince suggests a ladder match but Vickie argues with him, then she says they would need a championship hanging above the ring. Vince says a briefcase, like Dolph's Money In The Bank briefcase, could work, then Vickie says she doesn't like it because it's unfair to Dolph.

She says it's too much in Cena's favor but Vince says she should stop the crap with AJ Lee and Cena, and he says she owes them more than an apology. He makes her instate the ladder match stipulation, then she tries to get him to leave but Vince says he isn't done yet because there's a lie detector test tonight. Vince says Punk should have consequences if he is lying, then Vickie says if he is caught lying they will have a match. Vince asks what kind of match, then Vickie says Paul Heyman is behind Punk's reign so he will also be reprimanded and the match would be Heyman versus Ryback!