WWE RAW Results (12/3) – Vince McMahon Returns, New Match & Stipulation At TLC, CM Punk Takes Lie Detector Test

We get back from a break to see Vickie lecturing Maddox about what he did, and she talks about her legacy and he says she earned the accolades. Maddox says she is powerful and recognizes talent, and she should listen and put him on RAW tonight because he's a YouTube sensation. Vickie agrees and puts him in a match, then he asks who his opponent is and she says he'll just have to wait and see. She says it will be 'great' television, then he says he knows it will and walks away with his cameraman.

Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto bodyslams Cara and gets a near fall, then Cara comes back with a quick spinning headscissors and puts him in a headlock. Alberto pushes him in the corner and punches him, then he drops him with a stiff back heel kick for a near fall. Cara comes back with a springboard armdrag takedown, then he repeatedly kicks Alberto in the chest before hitting a running enziguiri for a near fall. Alberto hits him in the back and comes back with a snap suplex for a near fall, then Cara tries to get back up but Alberto drops him with a punch to the head. Alberto chokes him on the ropes throws him across the ring, but Cara comes back with a quick dropkicks and dives away from a running leg lariat.

Cara hits an enziguiri on the apron, then he launches Alberto into the barricade after a hurricanrana as we go to a commercial break. We get back to see Cara put Alberto in an armbar, then Alberto breaks it and punches him a few times before Cara drops him with a hurricanrana for two. Alberto rolls back outside and Ricardo goes to check on him, then Cara kicks him on the floor and rolls him in before playing to the crowd. He tries to springboard in but Alberto kicks him off the ropes and into the commentary table, then Alberto dives outside and throws him headfirst into the barricade. (Cont'd…)


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