WWE RAW Results (11/12) – Team Foley Gains Final Member, Vickie Reveals More Evidence, Punk vs Cena

Cody hits a dropdown punch but Kane comes back with a clothesline, then he hits a few corner clotheslines and follows with a side slam for a two count. Kane hits a top rope clothesline and calls for a chokeslam, then Sandow runs in so he uppercuts him and clotheslines him outside. Bryan runs over and tries to throw Miz into the ringpost but Miz reverses it, and he sends Bryan into Cody and they both smash their heads on the post. Miz rolls Cody in the ring while Bryan gets up, and Kane hits a chokeslam for the win then Bryan argues with Maiz about being a team.

Winners – Kane & The Miz

John Cena vs CM Punk (w/ Paul Heyman)

(Mick Foley as Special Guest Enforcer)

Punk hits a shoulder tackle but Cena comes back with some armdrags, then he applies an armbar but Punk ducks under the ropes and rolls outside. He looks at Foley as we go to a break, then we return to see Punk connect with a top rope dive on the floor before he rolls Cena back in. Cena goes for a backslide but Punk kicks out, then Punk goes for a cover before putting him in an inverted chinlock, but Cena is able is reverse it. Cena goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks and puts him in a sleeperhold, then Cena slams him back into the turnbuckles and trades punches with him. Punk kicks him a few times but Cena ducks a clothesline, then he hits a few shoulder tackles and a sitout side slam before calling for the Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Punk rolls away and tries to win it with a quick rollup, then he hits a corner knee strike and hits a clothesline before heading up top. He jumps off but Cena rolls away, then Cena hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Punk counters it. Punk kicks him in the head and calls for the finish, but Cena counters a GTS and attempts another Attitude Adjustment. Punk drops down and puts him in the Anaconda Vise but Cena pushes himself to the ropes, then Punk goes for a springboard clothesline but Cena avoids it and puts him in a STF. Punk motions for Heyman to get in the ring but Cena cuts him off, then Foley helps get rid of him and Cena counters another GTS attempt with a STF. Punk makes it to the ropes and tries to leave, but Ryback cuts him off and Cena pulls him back in the ring and hits an Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner – John Cena

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