WWE RAW Results (11/12) – Team Foley Gains Final Member, Vickie Reveals More Evidence, Punk vs Cena

Daniel Bryan is shown chasing Kane down a hallway trying to get his attention, and Kane finally stops and asks him what he wants. Bryan says Kane got a new teammate, but he won't get mad, eventhough he would have said no if Mick Foley asked him to team with someone else. Kane says they just got a new teammate and it'll be OK, then Bryan tries to reason with him and says they should go to Foley and get it changed. Bryan says no matter what he'll wish Kane luck, but Kane walks away and Bryan screams NO! to himself as we head to the ring.

Rhodes Scholars make their entrance followed by Kane, then Justin Roberts reveals the RAWactive poll results and Miz is revealed as the final team member. Miz makes his entrance but Daniel Bryan cuts him off, then he tries to quiet the fans and smiles as he reaches for a handshake. Miz is reluctant but Bryan shakes anyways, then he gets in the ring and raises Kane arm in the air as we go to a break.

Rhodes Scholars vs Kane & The Miz

Miz attacks Sandow and puts him in a hammerlock, then Sandow throws an elbow but Miz punches him in the corner and follows with a running clothesline. Kane tags in and he connects with a running dropkick for a near fall, then he tries to body slam Sandow but he floats over and tags out. Cody gets pulled in the ring and hit with a double elbow smash, then Miz smiles at Bryan (at commentary) and backdrops Cody outside. Miz hits a double axe handle smash from the apron and rolls him inside, then Bryan starts to walk over and Miz asks what he wants. Cody surprises him with a Disaster Kick and Sandow follows with an Elbow of Disdain, then they use quick tags to keep Miz grounded. Miz comes back with a backbreaker / neckbreaker combination, then they both tag out and Kane levels Cody with a clothesline.


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