WWE RAW Results (11/12) – Team Foley Gains Final Member, Vickie Reveals More Evidence, Punk vs Cena

Brad Maddox vs Ryback

Brad Maddox makes his entrance as an ambulance is backed into the arena, then Ryback comes out and some EMT's come out with a stretcher. Ryback paces around the ring and waits for Maddox to get in the ring, then Maddox gets in as the ref starts to count him out. Maddox goes out the other side of the ring, then he finally rolls inside and Ryback repeatedly slams his head off of the mat. The ref checks on Maddox but Ryback slams his head a few more times, then he picks him up and throws him headfirst into the bottom turnbuckles. Ryback tells him he's dead and powerslams him, then he ties him in the ropes and clotheslines him outside before rolling him back in the ring.

Ryback powerbombs him three times and steps back while the ref checks on Maddox, so Ryback readies himself in the corner, then he connects with a Meathook clothesline and Shell Shocked for the win. Maddox is loaded onto a stretcher as Ryback celebrates, then Ryback goes outside and tips the stretcher over. Ryback picks him up and throws him into the barricade, then he backs up and hits another clothesline. Ryback picks him up on his shoulder and carries him to the back of the ramp, then he slams him into the side of the ambulance and opens the doors. He picks Maddox up and throws him into the back of the ambulance, then he slams the doors shut and walks away as they pull out of the arena. 

Winner – Ryback

Sheamus vs David Otunga

Sheamus backs Otunga into the corner but Otunga punches him a few times, then Sheamus hits a shoulder tackle and Otunga talks some trash. Otunga throws him into the ropes but Sheamus hiptosses him and ties him up near the ropes, but Otunga takes a cheap shot and goes after him in the corner. Sheamus fights back and hits White Noise, then he clubs his chest in the corner and connects with a Brogue Kick for the win. Sheamus tells Big Show he hopes he was watching, because he is going to Brogue Kick him on Sunday and take back his title. Big Show appears on the Titantron and says he knows what will really happen at Survivor Series, then he beats the hell out of William Regal and Sheamus runs backstage.

Winner – Sheamus


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