WWE NXT Moving to Late Nights in Canada
WWE NXT is moving to late night in Canada.
Due to NBA coverage, The Score will be airing NXT at 11:30 PM (ET) on Wednesdays beginning November 7th, 2012. The show currently airs a few hours earlier.
Replays of NXT will remain on Fridays at 6 PM (ET).
Vince Claims $5 Million Donation to Trump Charity
Following a statement released yesterday by WWE claiming that the company did not donate $5 million to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, Vince McMahon told TimesUnion.com that he personally donated the money to the charity. The following is an excerpt from the Times Union report:
The revelation comes one day after the WWE (formerly World Wrestling Entertainment) disputed an online report that it had been most generous to Trump’s charity, which the Smoking Gun website suggested might foot the bill for The Donald’s $5 million offer publicity stunt for President Obama’s college and passport records.
WWE previously said that the Vincent and Linda McMahon Family Foundation gave the $5 million to Trump, who has long questioned Obama’s citizenship and eligibility to run for president.