WWE RAW Results (10/08) – Larry King Guest Stars, Vince McMahon Challenges CM Punk, Gives Him Ultimatum

Divas Championship

Kaitlyn vs Eve Torres (c)

Kaitlyn runs at Eve and punches her, then she hits a suplex for a near fall and follows it with a back body drop and kicks her in the back. Eve tries to go after Kaitlyn's leg but Kaitlyn lifts her in a Torture Rack position, then Eve escapes but Kaitlyn hits a backbreaker and grabs her ankle. Kaitlyn struggles to stand and she chokes Eve in the corner, but Eve kicks her leg and slams it on the mat before dropping a knee on it. Eve puts her in a single-legged scissors hold, then she twists around and puts her in a heel lock to get her to tap out. Eve refuses to let go so Layla leaves commentary and gets in the ring, then Eve tries to show concern and checks on Kaitlyn. Layla stands up and shoves her back, then Eve heads backstage as Layla stares her down.

Winner – Eve Torres

Alberto Del Rio is shown walking backstage with Ricardo Rodriguez, and he's talking about planning something when Josh Mathews tries to speak with him. Mathews asks if Alberto saw a Tweet sent out earlier today, but Alberto cuts him off and says he's working, so he doesn't care about any tweets. Mathews insists he sees it and says it was sent by Randy Orton, then he tries to explain but Alberto looks disgusted and storms off.

We see Larry King talking to his wife, then he motions for Daniel Bryan to come over and asks him if he has a question for him. Bryan says David Letterman famously said King looked like an owl, and he wants to know what to do about people calling him a goat face. Bryan says it's not true because he's a handsome man, then he hits on Larry's wife and says she might want to be with him instead. Larry's wife says she doesn't date trolls who live under bridges, then Larry tells him he accepted the owl comments so Bryan should just embrace it and deal with it. Kane walks over and starts talking about how he carries their team, then they argue and insult each other until Larry leaves with his wife. Kane says he didn't know it was Larry King, and he thought it was Skeletor, then Bryan turns and thinks to himself about the comparison.