WWE RAW Results (10/08) – Larry King Guest Stars, Vince McMahon Challenges CM Punk, Gives Him Ultimatum

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus

Sheamus ties up with Wade in the corner as Big Show comes out to the ring, then he joins the commentary team as Wade stomps Sheamus in the corner. Wade sends Sheamus to the apron but Sheamus comes back with a Battering Ram, then he puts Wade in a headlock but Wade breaks out. Wade strikes Sheamus a few times and avoids a White Noise attempt, then he sends Sheamus to the apron and slams his head on the side of the ring. We get back from a commercial break and Sheamus fights out of a seated stretch with some stomach punches, then he clotheslines Wade and sends him to the floor.

Sheamus uppercuts him on the floor and sends him towards the steps, but Wade jumps over them and turns and kicks the steps into Sheamus' legs. Wade hits him again before rolling him in for a near fall, then he kicks Sheamus a few times before jumping on his back and putting him in a Camel Clutch. Sheamus breaks it with some strikes so Wade kicks him, then he drops him with a running knee smash and follows with some punches to the head. Wade chokes him on the ropes and repeatedly knees him in the face, then he backs up and kicks Sheamus in the head.

Wade gets a near fall and heads up top, but Sheamus rolls away from an elbow drop and comes back with a quick clothesline and a forearm smash. Sheamus shoulders Wade in the corner and follows with a kneelift, then he goes for a powerslam but Wade floats over and kicks him in the stomach. Wade sets up a pump handle slam but Sheamus shoves him away, then he ties Wade in the ropes and clubs him in the chest. Sheamus pulls him back inside but Tensai runs out and attacks him, then Wade joins in and they beat up Sheamus while Big Show watches. Sheamus makes a comeback and surprises Tensai with a Brogue Kick, then Show gets in and blocks another kick and dumps him outside on his head.

Winner (by disqualification) – Sheamus