Bryan tries to get involved by running at Kofi, but he moves away and Bryan ends up diving onto Kane on the floor, and they argue with each other into a break. We get back to see Truth fight out of the corner by kicking Kane in the face, then he dives for a tag and Kofi springboards into the ring. Kofi hits Kane and sends him into the corner, then he hits some mounted punches and follows with a crossbody for two. Kofi kicks him in the chest and follows with a Boom Drop, then he calls for Trouble In Paradise but Kane counters with a chokeslam attempt. Kofi counters and springboards off the ropes, but Kane catches him with a right hand then he calls for a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in.
They argue about the tag while Kofi tags out, then Truth hits some diving forearm shots and a sitout front release suplex for a near fall. Truth chops him a few times and tags out, then Kofi puts him in a hammerlock but Bryan breaks it so Kofi dropkicks him. Truth comes back in and helps Kofi with a double team move, then he puts Bryan in a headlock but Bryan elbows him and retreats to the corner. Bryan catches Truth with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles, then Kane hits a dropkick and a side slam and calls for the finish. Bryan tries to tag in again but Kane catches him, then Kane hits him and Truth rolls Kane up for a two count. Bryan breaks it up then Kane chokeslams Truth, and Bryan tags in and gets Truth to tap to the NO! Lock.
Winners – Daniel Bryan & Kane
Bryan raises the titles over his head and screams that he's the tag team champions, then Kane walks over and rips them out of his hands. Kane says he is the tag team champions, then Bryan backs away and calms himself while the fans chant 'hug it out' at them. Bryan tells him they should listen, then they hug it out and Bryan rips one of the belts out of his hands. Kane and Bryan start yelling at each other about who is the champion, then they both raise their titles in the air as Kane's music plays and we go to the next segment.