WWE Raw World Tour Results (8/31): Sydney, Australia

WWE RawThanks to Sasa Zekanovic for sending this in:

Hey guys. Before I start, I just want to say that I felt the show was great and had a great atmosphere to it, and it felt really crowd interactive. The new set, promo packages, RAW intro, etc., all created a better event. Even though the wrestling wasn't OMG-worthy, it was fine for what it was. I was there last year and this was a huge improvement.


1. "The Funkasaurus" Brodus Clay w/ "Funkydactyl" Naomi def. Jack Swagger

Great start to the show with Brodus getting everybody dancing. Same match we've seen from these two on RAW a few months ago, with a ton of stalling in the beginning. Overall, decent match, with a Funk It splash getting the win.

-Miz cuts a promo via Titantron stating how he will leave Australia with the IC title, and will defeat Riley tonight.

2. Divas Champion Layla def. Rosa Mendes

Big letdown when Rosa's music came on. I hadn't checked the Brisbane results to keep it a surprise, almost wish I had of. Rosa just can't wrestle, plain and simple, although she did get good heat with her Spanish-isms. She botched an arm drag for Christ's sake. Was really hoping for Beth or Natalya, or even Alicia Fox. Nonetheless, a decent match with lots of 'Layla' chants throughout. Layla had a slight slip-up on her crossbody move, but recovered well. Wins with the Roundhouse kick.

3. IC Champion The Miz def. Alex Riley

Miz cuts a promo yet again, and I swear it was the exact same promo he cut last year. Got decent heat, but it's getting extremely state when you do the EXACT SAME SHTICK for years on end. He needs a face turn IMO. Good match that picked up towards the end, Miz picking up the win with the SCF.

4. Zack Ryder def. Tensai

Was happy to see both on the card. The match was just terribly booked, they are absolutely ruining Tensai's character, or what's left of it. A few punches and kicks until Ryder hits the Rough Ryder from literally out of nowhere. Weird match that made no sense.

5. Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston & R-Truth def. Primo & Epico w/ Rosa Mendes

R-Truth comes out rapping his old theme "What's Up?", which was a neat addition to keep the vibe up. Primo and Epico are supposed to be faces yet Rosa was heel in her match. They played heel throughout this match too. No wonder they don't get a reaction, the Universe is confused. Anyway, disappointing that the exact same match/result occurred as has been happening over the last few months. AJ skips out to an absolute thunderous ovation and restarts the match, yada yada yada. Weird promo afterwards, where R-Truth said Kofi didn't accept Little Jimmy. I know, right? Anyway, he makes the crowd chant "Accept Little Jimmy!" and Kofi eventually does. OK…


6. Santino Marella def. David Otunga

Otunga does a pose-down/striptease in the middle of the ring to no heat before Santino comes out. Probably the worst match on the card, with lots of 'boring' chants throughout. Otunga is only in the WWE due to his wife, period. Santino wins with the Cobra.

7. WWE Champion CM Punk def. Daniel Bryan

I wasn't sure if Daniel Bryan was going to appear, so when his music came on, I pretty much crapped myself. Big 'YES!' chants as you can expect. My two personal favourites going against each other, awesome. Disappointing that it was basically the same match they've had also, but it was still great to see live. Weird point in the match where Bryan was kicking Punk and the crowd was chanting 'YES!'. Bryan however took it well and looked aggravated despite being cheered essentially. CM Punk wins with the GTS.

8. John Cena def. The Big Show & John Laurinaitis

Talk about not getting any respect. I would have been perfectly happy with the show ending with Punk/Bryan, and at one point I thought Cena would not show up. Of course, I then remembered Big Show. Same thing you've read before – even the crowd was bored for this one. I guess the kids have to have their bowl of Cena, so here it was. A yawn-fest to end the night, it was what it was, although Laurinaitis' antics were quite comical, tagging in to kick Cena and pointing his finger for People Power.

Overall, it was quite an enjoyable show, much better than last year's, although some matches need to be changed from previous results to keep it fresh. No idea what Rosa and Otunga were doing on the card, brought their matches down significantly. Either way, I recommend attending when WWE is in town, it's always fun!


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