WWE RAW Results (8/20) – Y2J/Ziggler Rematch Raises The Stakes, CM Punk Names His Next Contender With Terms

Bryan comes back in and kicks Zack in the corner, then he taunts Kane and runs at Zack, but Zack ducks and Bryan punches Miz. Zack kicks Bryan away and tags out, then Bryan tries to tag Miz but he says no and walks away. Kane goes after Bryan but Bryan runs through the crowd, then Kane gets pissed and kicks apart the stairs. Kane grabs Zack and drops him with a chokeslam, then he takes apart the broadcast table and grabs the timekeeper. Kane throws him into the crowd and kicks the stairs, then he drops Zack with a Tombstone and heads backstage.

Result – No Contest

CM Punk joins Matt Striker backstage, and Punk says he is still the champion and now he needs to find a new opponent. He wants to pick someone who the WWE Universe loves, and someone who people say he can't beat, and that man is John Cena. Punk says it's based on one condition, but he is going to call out Cena later tonight and face him like a man. He wants to see if Cena will accept this condition, because Punk says it's all about respect, and he is going to demand respect from Cena.

Number One Contender's Battle Royal (Divas Championship) 

Everyone stares at Layla at ringside then Tamina flips Rosa over her shoulder while the others attack Kaitlyn in the corner. Aksana tries to show up Tamina and Alicia, then Aksana rolls outside and catfights with Rosa. Natalya tries to throw Kaitlyn over the ropes and gets help from Tamina, but Kaitlyn hits the apron and climbs back in. Tamina and Natalya suplex her and go after Alicia, then they try to suplex her but Alicia counters. She knocks them on the apron then Natalya slams Alicia in the corner, and Natalya tries to spear Alicia but Alicia moves and Natalya falls outside. Tamina superkicks Alicia outside, then Kaitlyn throws her outside and finally elbows Eve in the head and clotheslines her outside to win. (Total clusterf*ck. Announcers made fun of how sloppy this was.) 

Winner – Kaitlyn


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