WWE RAW Results (8/13) – Summerslam Heats Up, Piper’s Pit Returns, Cena/Punk At Odds, Brock Attacks HBK

Cena hits a running kneelift and bulldog, then Punk walks away as Cena avoids a rollup and hits an Attitude Adjustment for the win. Big Show tries to run in and attack Cena from behind, but Punk cuts him off and hits him in the head with his title. Cena turns around and Punk asks for a handshake, but Cena doesn't move so Punk gets pissed and heads backstage. Josh Mathews catches up with CM Punk and asks what happened, and Punk says Cena went into business for himself and disrespected him. Punk says Cena didn't care if they won as a team, and he was fair and even asked for a handshake as a show of faith. He says Cena refused and that's the ultimate sign of disrespect where he's from, and he's going to teach everyone about respect this Sunday.

Winners – CM Punk & John Cena

Damien Sandow vs Christian

Sandow punches Christian in the corner and hits a side Russian leg sweep, then he hits a swinging elbow drop for a near fall. Sandow whips him into the corner but Christian leapfrogs him and hits a clothesline, then he jumps over the ropes and punches Sandow in the face. Christian hits a diving elbow drop and sets up for a Killswitch, but Sandow rolls out of the ring and attacks Christian as he follows him outside. Sandow slams his head into the ring steps and rolls him inside, then he hits a straight jacket neckbreaker for the win as Brodus Clay comes out and watches from the ramp.

Winner – Damien Sandow

Shawn Michaels is shown walking backstage and runs into Brock Lesnar, but Brock just smirks and lets Shawn go about his business as we go to a break. Brock comes to the ring with Paul Heyman after a commercial, and Heyman says they don't doubt HHH's plane got delayed because he wants this match more than anyone. He says HHH wanted it more than Brock, because Brock quit WWE but HHH needed to prove something to himself. Heyman says they aren't going to see a classic wrestling match, because Brock is going to destroy HHH and take away his career by hurting him badly. Heyman says Shawn Michaels is the one person who thinks HHH actually stands a chance, so he wants Shawn to come to the ring and say it to Brock's face. (Cont'd…)