Impact Wrestling Results (7/19) – Aces and Eights Attacks Again, Roode Calls Aries Out

ODB is on her phone yelling at Eric Young about where he has been, then he is talking behind her when they run into each other and he explains things. He says he went for beer and some guys offered him a fishing show, then he kisses her and she tells him to go get her beer and chicken. We join Christopher Daniels and Kazarian after a promo with Claire Lynch, then Daniels says he hopes it proves AJ Styles is a dirtbag and the real father. Kaz says AJ doesn't have any balls, and he is a great actor that tries to be righteous, but he should come clean when Claire shows her proof.

Jeremy Borash is in the ring for this month's Gut Check challenge, then contestant Sam Shaw comes out and cuts a promo about wanting to be a wrestler all his life. He says he's been knocking on the door for a long time and he wants to be a part of the roster, then JB tries to follow up but Aces and Eights runs out and attacks him. Shaw is shown being helped up as we get back from a break, then he is helped out of the ring as we see a replay of the attack. 

Bound For Glory Series
Ken Anderson
vs AJ Styles

Anderson puts AJ in an armbar then he hits a few armdrags, and he follows by putting AJ back in an armbar but AJ counters with a headscissors. Anderson counters out with a side headlock, then AJ stands up and sweeps his legs, but Anderson goes right back to a side headlock. AJ throws him into the ropes and shoulder blocks him to the floor, then Anderson rolls back in and AJ hits a springboard crossbody for two. We get back after a break and Anderson has AJ in a side headlock, then AJ elbows his way out and throws Anderson into the ropes. (Cont'd…)


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