Impact Wrestling Results (7/12) – Bully Ray/Joseph Park, Aries’ Championship Address, Aces & Eights Strikes

Kazarian and Christopher Daniels stood in the ring. Kazarian mocked Styles and he said things were far from over. Daniels summoned Claire "Lynch" so now we know her last name.

Claire obliged and Kazarian helped her into the ring. Daniels said he understood the situation Claire was in and he again implied that Styles impregnated her. Styles made his way to the party and he seemed surprised that Daniels was moving around after their match last Sunday.

Styles said the story was over weeks ago, but Daniels said there was more to the discussion. Daniels said Claire needed to tell the world what she told him earlier. Styles called Daniels a prick as he tried to keep Claire quiet. Claire got sad again and she said Daniels was right. Styles screamed "what?"

Claire revealed that Styles did in fact knock her up. Styles seemed stunned as the show went to break…

[C] Styles was walking through the back with the Hervey cam when he turned on Hervey and yelled that he had no idea what was going on…

Mr. Anderson was shown discussing Kurt Angle before the tape cut to him stretching…

A Zema Ion/Jesse Sorensen video package aired complete with footage of Ion winning the X-Division Championship aired…

[Q4] Dakota Darsow cut a promo about how Sorensen is his friend and he said Ion was beginning to piss him off. He headed to the ring…

[C] 3. Zema Ion vs. Dakota Darsow in a non-title match. Darsow slammed Ion all around the ring. Darsow hit a springboard spear in a cool spot.

Ion came back with a springboard DDT followed by his new finisher for the quick victory.

Zema Ion defeated Dakota Darsow in 2:22.

After the match, Ion wrenched on Darsow's arm. Darsow cried in pain as Ion cut a promo and saying that he's not just f'ing pretty, but he's pretty f'ing dangerous…


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