WWE RAW Results (6/11) – New WHC #1 Contender, Vince Evaluates Johnny, Kane/Bryan vs Punk/AJ

David Otunga is backstage with Vince McMahon, and he says he hopes Johnny keeps his job, but he knows someone to take his place if he does. Otunga says he is educated and has the body, and Vince says he appreciates him sucking up, but he doesn't like lawyers and calls them parasites. Kofi Kingston bursts in and asks where Johnny is, and Johnny follows him in and says doctors were with R-Truth and he is unable to appear tonight. Kofi demands a match with him, and Johnny disagrees at first, then he says Kofi will get a No Way Out preview in a steel cage match tonight.

Daniel Bryan comes out and says he is nothing like CM Punk and Kane because they have a weakness in the form of a distraction named AJ. Bryan says Punk is jealous of him being a superior wrestler, and now Punk is trying to get with his ex-girlfriend to make him jealous, but it's pathetic. He says Kane thinks getting to second base is when a woman looks at him long enough and doesn't vomit. Bryan says AJ is still in love with him, and there was a moment in time where she got to be with someone as great as him. Bryan says AJ can attest to the phrase 'once you go Bryan, there's no point in trying', then he says he's only interested in the WWE Championship now. 

CM Punk comes out and says he talks about AJ alot for someone who isn't interested in her, and he says she is actually a really cool person. He says they both have Bryan in common, and AJ is out of Bryan's league out of the ring, and he's not in Punk's league in the ring. Punk says he likes crazy chicks, but he likes his WWE title more, and he is leaving No Way Out with his championship. Bryan says no, and he asks what happened to him because he changed. Bryan says he panders to everyone, and the fans are the 'voiceless' because they have nothing intelligent to say. He says they like to call Big Show a sellout, but Punk is the biggest sellout in the company, then Punk calls him a hyprocritical superstar with his 'YES!' shirt. (Cont'd…)


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