WWE RAW Results (5/28) – Tag Team Teases Breakup, Punk Finds An “Unlikely” Ally, Big Show Leaves Carnage

David Otunga vs Sheamus

Otunga tries to attack Sheamus in the corner but Sheamus kicks him in the stomach and tosses him across the ring before choking him with the bottom rope. He tries to tie him in the ropes but Otunga drops down, then he avoids a powerslam and knocks Sheamus down with a clothesline. Otunga knees him in the corner until the ref back him off, then he hits a quick clothesline and flexes but Sheamus comes back with a clothesline. Sheamus clubs him on the apron and pulls him back in the ring, then he hits White Noise and a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

Brodus Clay vs Big Show

Big Show comes out and says he is a big fan of Brodus, and he did some embarrassing things for business, but Brodus continues to do it every night. He says people will get sick of him and he can put make up on and be the next Doink, then he says the difference between them is that Doink actually had talent. Brodus gets out of the ring and heads towards him, but Show runs down the ramp and spears him before punching him near the guardrail. Brodus tries to make a comeback but Show slams his head off the ringpost, then he throws him back into it and kicks him. Show starts taking the announcers table apart while Kofi Kingston and R-Truth run out to help, and Kofi jumps off the steps but Show throws him into Truth.

Show kicks the table apart and hits Brodus with a piece of it, then he lifts it up again and hits him two more times while the fans chant for Cena. He picks Truth up and knees him in the stomach, then he throws him into the side of the ring before going back after Kofi. He avoids Trouble In Paradise and grabs him by the throat, then he throws Kofi through part of the barricade and sends Truth into the steps. Show turns around and sees Brodus getting back up, and he hits him with a WMD punch and looks around as trainers run out to check on everyone. Show starts to leave, and he stops and angrily looks at a fan calling him a sellout, then John Laurinaitis walks out and raises him arm.

Result – No Contest

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