OVW Saturday Special Results (5/12): TNA Star Wins Title

The following report is from Trent Vandrisse and F4WOnline.com

Here’s the May 12th Saturday Night Special report for Ohio Valley Wrestling. Many of the matches on this card were built up on the TV showS of the past few weeks, and much of the show was entertaining. It was quite weird and wacky booking wise, but like I said, entertaining.

The big new coming out of this show is Rob Terry of “The Family” becoming the OVW Heavyweight champion for the first time, defeating “Smooth” Johnny Spade using extremely nefarious tactics and tons of interference, thanks to the Heelish “Talent Arbitrator” of OVW Josette Bynum, who kept changing the rules in favor of Terry until he finally won.

I wanted to see the ROH “Border Wars” iPPV tonight, but I’m glad I didn’t when I read they had yet another disaster on iPPV. I hate that for them big time. Yeesh.

Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, and Kenny Bolin were the announcers for the upcoming DVD release of this show. Terry Boddie was the ring announcer. The attendance was around 150.

The show opened with a video for the Johnny Spade vs Rob Terry match for the OVW title tonight, and the events leading up to it.

1. Chris Silvio w/Mo Green beat Jose Del Barrio

This match was made on the most recent OVW TV taping. The huge rookie Jose Del Barrio is sporting a Brodus Clay-like beard. Silvio hit a big kick that sent Del Barrio out of the ring. After some fighting on the floor, Del Barrio countered a flying back elbow attempt by Silvio with a clothesline to the back of his head. Silvio with more big kicks. Both guys hit more big moves, but Silvio won it with his “Psychedelic super punch” finisher.

2. Elvis Pridemore, Tony Gunn, Daniel Pruce, & Eric Christopher beat Nick Dumeyer, Mike Von Wolfgang, Ricky Chevy & Raphael Constantine w/Three ladies in an 8 man tag

This is the standard slapped together multi-man tag match OVW seems to do on every Saturday Night Special. The three ladies with Raphael Constantine tonight were dressed as Fairies. Daniel Pruce took the heat, but Tony Gunn won it for the good guys when he forced Ricky “Bobby Hill” Chevy to submit to his Bear hug.

After the match the American Assassin came to the ring wearing a suit, with his fist taped, and gave Ricky Chevy a Heart Punch, and the Assassin was the babyface in this scenario. Don’t try to make any logic out of it.

3. Ted McNaler beat Adam Revolver in a “Gentleman’s rules” match

McNaler and Revolver have been feuding as “Brothers” here for a long time now. Ring announcer Brittany DeVore is the girlfriend of McNaler, but she’s been mad at him, and Revolver has been coming on to her heavily, so DeVore was the judge for this “Gentleman’s rules” match. “Gentleman’s rules” means no striking of any kind, just wrestling, no jumping off the ropes, the referee had yellow cards for fouls, and three fouls will result in a DQ, but one major infraction type of a foul is an automatic DQ, and DeVore will declare the winner if it goes to a draw. Ya got all that?? Whew…

When the match started Adam Revolver, like he did at the most recent TV taping, loosened his wrist tape, in an attempt to get the ref to turn his back and toss it out, but McNaler had it scouted, and nicely countered Revolver’s attempt at a low blow into a submission situation. Revolver then falsely claimed McNaler poked him in the eye. McNaler went to the floor and shoved Revolver, which Brittany DeVore ruled was a foul on McNaler. McNaler came back strong in the ring, dominating Revolver with wrestling moves. Brittany DeVore got up on the apron when Revolver claimed to have hurt his arm, and then she was knocked off the apron during a skirmish between McNaler and Revolver. McNaler gave up a pin attempt on Revolver to check on her, but Revolver took this opportunity to get a chair. McNaler got the chair away from Revolver, but DeVore then got up, and saw McNaler with the chair, and got angry and broke up with McNaler. DeVore though then finally caught the conniving snake Adam Revolver with the chair, and it dawned on her what he really was. DeVore got in the ring and slapped Revolver, and McNaler then DDT’d him on the chair. The ref pulled out his red card, and was going to disqualify McNaler for the major infraction, but DeVore ordered him not to, and then counted the pin herself of McNaler beating Revolver.

McNaler and DeVore then made up and got back together after the match, and kissed. So McNaler didn’t lose the girl to his “brother” in the end after all. There wasn’t much “gentlemanly” about this match though. Yikes.

4. Randy Royal & Epiphany beat Taeler Hendrix & Dylan Bostic and Paredyse & Blair Alexis in a three corners mixed couples tag match

They tried this as a four corners couples tag match at the May 9th TV taping, but the ref then threw it out due to everyone brawling before it got off the ground. This was take 2. This was only three couples because Brandon Espinosa & Chris weren’t allowed in it this time because Chris’ gender has yet to be determined. Paredyse teamed with rookie Aleida Ortiz on Wednesday, tonight he had Blair Alexis, who is a chunky Blonde girl, and I believe is a student here as well. She never once got tagged in this match. Paredyse, as he often does with his opponents, confounded Randy Royal with his tactics early. Royal sent Dylan Bostic out of the ring with a knee lift. Royal ended up chasing Bostic around the ring, while Epiphany beat on OVW Womens champion Taeler Hendrix in the ring. Bostic accidentally splashed Hendrix in the corner, and she won’t like that as his bossy girlfriend. Royal and Epiphany won it with a double pin on Bostic and Hendrix after a double suplex spot. The fans are more and more getting into chanting “Prostatot” at Taeler Hendrix, which is something Randy Royal first called her weeks ago.

5. Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade w/Josette Bynum beat Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta

Shiloh Jonze came out with his hair frizzed up and poofed out like a desk troll, or a Chia pet. Jonze came out alone, since his supposed be partner, Alex Silva, seems to have flown the coop here since getting his TNA “contract”. Josette Bynum, wearing a yellow skirt, and a black shirt that read “HBIC” said she knew Alex Silva would flake out, and told Jonze just to take the night off. Jonze though produced Raul Lamotta as his partner, and the match was on. Godderz and Switchblade are the current OVW Southern tag team champs, but this was non title. Godderz pressed Godderz over his head, but he wriggled free, and knocked Switchblade off the apron. Bynum tried to slip Godderz one of the tag belts to use as a weapon, but the ref caught it. So Godderz then just gabbed the other tag belt, and hit Jonze with it to win it for “The Family”.


Dean Hill talked about a non wrestling themed movie that is going to be filmed in Louisville, that he has a role in, and mentioned that on Sunday afternoon June 3rd they need a crowd for some scenes in the movie, and invited people to come out and be a part of it.

6. Mohamad Ali Vaez w/Josette Bynum, Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade beat Jamin Olivencia to retain the OVW TV title

Bynum came out pissed off here, saying she just received a message from the OVW BOD saying Jamin Olivencia will get a shot at the OVW TV title tonight. Olivencia had earned a shot, but at the most recent OVW TV taping, Bynum revoked it from him, and was supposed to have a surprise opponent for Olivencia tonight instead. Jessie Godderz and Rudy Switchblade laid down outside the ring out of the sight of Olivencia. Soon as the match started, Bynum took the mic and said this would be a “Light out match”, the lights went out, and Godderz and Switchblade got in the ring and beat the crap out of Olivencia. Vaez went for the pin soon as the lights came back on, but Olivencia kicked out. Godderz and Switchblade again laid by the ring, with Godderz exchanging much colorful banter with the crowd. I’ve heard “It’s not Gay, It’s pro wrestling” many times, but Godderz and Switchblade laying together on the floor looked as close to being Gay as possible and it still being considered “pro wrestling”. At one point Godderz and Switchblade did one armed push ups on the floor to amuse themselves.

Meanwhile back in the ring, when Olivencia took control of the match, Bynum ordered the lights out again, and Godderz and Switchblade again beat on Olivencia, but again Vaez couldn’t put him away when the lights came back on. Vaez applied a Camel clutch, but Olivencia broke free. Vaez told Bynum he has things on control, and doesn’t need the light turned out again, but Olivencia landed a big top rope dropkick on Vaez. Both guys exchanging blows in mid ring. Olivencia with a big knee to Vaez, and then Olivencia with a moonsault off the ropes. Never seen him do that before. Olivencia hit his “O Drop” clamping DDT finisher, so Bynum ordered the lights out yet again, but this time Olivencia beat the crap out of Godderz and Switchblade in the dark, so when the lights came back on, Olivencia was the only one standing, which got a big pop. The crowd was into this match anyhow. The crafty Vaez though then pinned Olivencia by holding the trunks to retain the OVW TV title. Wow, what an unusual story this match told. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a match quite like it, and the match quality was pretty decent, combined with a hot crowd, so it worked, despite the “odd” vibe of Godderz and Switchblade laying on the floor together at ringside.

7. Michael Hayes & James “Moose” Thomas beat Rocco Bellagio, Jack Black & Joe Coleman w/Prince Bolin & Mickey in a handicap ladder match

Lots of stips attached to this match. If Hayes and Moose won, they got Mickey, the simple minded assistant, back from the abusive Prince Bolin. If BS 2.0 won, Hayes and Moose have to join that stable. Mickey came out here holding a handicapped parking sign, as ordered by Prince Bolin. Two ladders were set up for this one. A manila envelope hanging from a ceiling chain in mid ring was the prize to grab to win it. BS 2.0 dominated Hayes and Moose with chair shots early. This was held under Texas tornado rules. Joe Coleman came off the ropes with a chair elbow drop onto Moose. Jack Black and Rocco Bellagio splashed Moose in the corner with a ladder on him. Black jumped off the apron onto Moose on the guardrail in a move that may have tweaked Black’s knee legit. Hayes knocked Bellagio off the apron by whacking him with the handicapped parking sign. Black and Moose slugged it out in mid ring, and Black was knocked over the top rope. Moose up on the ladder, but Coleman hit him on the knees with a chair, and then tipped the ladder over. Coleman got on Bellagio’s shoulders, and tried to win the match in a show off fashion, but ended up eating a Moose kick from James Thomas instead. Moose charged the corner, and hit a chair that was wedged there. Michael Hayes was laying on a ladder, and the smaller than he used to be but still huge, Jack Black tried a top rope splash, but Hayes moved, so Black splashed a ladder. Hayes gave Bellagio a Code breaker with a ladder. This match sold out the curtain, many wrestlers were watching this one from upstairs. Bellagio gave Hayes a chokeslam from off a ladder. Mickey got in the ring and grabbed Bellagio, but Bellagio kicked him off, but then wasted too much time. Moose gave Bellagio a power bomb off the ladder. The one legged Michael Hayes then climbed a ladder to win it, so Mickey is again back with his buddies, Moose and Hayes. Dean Hill said this is the night Mickey became a man. Mickey ripped off his BS 2.0 shirt and threw it at those who no longer control him. The crowd was pretty into this match too, and it was quite a spectacle.

8. Rob Terry w/Josette Bynum beat “Smooth” Johnny Spade to win the OVW Heavyweight title

Johnny Spade, wearing his classic black pants with the green spade on it, came out holding his side and limping from the severe beating he took at the Wednesday TV taping. Spade got the better of Rob Terry early with a stick and move style attack. It just appeared to be making Terry mad though. Spade must have got popped in the nose legit because the referee gave Spade a tissue from his back pocket, and Spade shoved it up his right nostril, and worked the rest of the match like that. Bynum announced on the mic that this was now a falls count anywhere match. Terry with an over the knee back breaker, and then a bear hug that sent Spade to his knees. Spade knocked Terry down with a second rope dropkick, but Bynum tripped Spade coming off the ropes to break his momentum. Terry wrapped a chain around his fist and hit Spade, and was caught by the referee, but Bynum then announced this was a no DQ match, but Spade kicked out. Terry grabbed a chair, but Spade superkicked into Terry’s face. Spade took Terry down after two regular super kicks. Jason Wayne, who turned heel on Spade out of the blue this past Wednesday, ran out and gave Spade his full nelson slam. Bynum then announced this was also a handicap match. At this point I was wishing two babyfaces would have come out and joined the fray to help Spade. I mean why the Hell not?? But no such thing happened. Terry was yelling at Spade to stay down. Terry gave Spade a suplex into a powerslam to finally beat Spade and win the OVW Heavyweight title, after the deck had been stacked to the ceiling in Terry’s favor. This result surprised me. Spade had taken such a beating on the TV shows the past month that I figured he’s retain the title somehow, but no. All of the titles in OVW are now held by “Family” members, except the Womens title, and that’s also held by a heel at this point. Send any feedback to tvd65@hotmail.com