WWE Smackdown Results (5/4) Damien Sandow “Debuts”, Bryan/Sheamus Rematch

Big Show & Randy Orton vs Kane & Cody Rhodes

Orton takes a few shots from Cody and throws him towards Big Show, then Cody crawls away but Show tags in and slams him into the turnbuckles. Show bodyslams him and tags Orton back in, but Cody cheap shots Orton and tags Kane, and he unloads on Orton with some right hands. Kane hits him in the corner, but Orton finds an opening and tags Show, and he spears Kane then punches him in the corner until the ref calls him back. Show goes for a backdrop but Kane counters with a DDT, then Cody chokes Big Show in the corner as we get back from a commercial.

Kane puts him in a headlock but Show breaks the hold and tags Orton, and he powerslams Cody and sets him up for a hanging DDT on the ropes. Kane punches him in the face, and tries to get involved but Orton hits him with the DDT and calls for an RKO, but Kane shoves him and Cody pulls the ropes down. Kane follows him outside and almost gets thrown into the barricade, but Kane kicks Orton in the head and makes the tag to Cody. Orton fights out of the corner but gets dropkicked for a two count, then Kane comes in and tries to clothesline him but Orton elbows him in the head.

Orton comes back with a backbreaker, then Kane makes it to his feet first and drops Orton with a clothesline, then tags out and Cody gets a two count. Cody puts him in a rear choke, but Orton punches his way out and avoids Cross Rhodes then backdrops Cody and tags out. Show throws him up in the air and calls for a chokeslam, but Kane clotheslines him from the top rope and runs right into an RKO. Cody slams him into the ringpost and goes for Beautiful Disaster, but Show slaps him in mid air and hits a Knockout Punch for the win.

Winners – Big Show & Randy Orton