JR Provides More Details On Car Accident, Talks His Condition

Jim Ross

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross updated fans on his condition, as well as provided specific details on what happened during his automobile accident he suffered on Saturday via his official Twitter account.

“Thanks to seat belt and airbags, I’m sore in places I didn’t know I had, but [I’m] home. Escalade [is] totaled. [I] hit [the] guy head on as he made [an] illegal turn. [I’m] blessed.”

JR continued, “Traveling west crossing over I35 and pickup made [a] left turn in front of me to get [to] I35 south. [I] hit him head on. Sooner Magic. Thanks.”

And finally, Ross thanked all the fans for their well-wishes following the accident. “Thanks to all with positive thoughts after my car accident Saturday. I’m sore, but got extremely lucky. Wasn’t my time. Other driver cited.”

Follow more JR tweets on Twitter @JRsBBQ.


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