Resistance Pro Wrestling Results (1/13): Chicago, Illinois

Resistance Pro

RISE – Friday January 13, 2012

280 fans

Excalibur Chicago, IL

Report by Keith L. and

1. Non Title Match: Resistance Pro Women’s Champion Melanie Cruise (with the Matrix, Personal Assistant Nikki, and Montgomery the dog – yes an actual dog) defeated Serenity. After a brutal beating by the womens champion the energatic Serenity was down and out and was revived with a kiss from the Matrix.

2. Resistance Pro World Tag Team Tournament – First Round Match: The P-Dogg Millionares (Arya & Shawn Davari) defeated Robert Anthony & Mr. 450 with a top rope splash/leg drop combo on Mr. 450. P-Dogg Millionares advance to round two in a very good hard faught contest.

3. El Generico defeated Pac, Matt Cross and the Canadian Destroyer in a 4 way match when he pinned the Canadian Destoryer after a top rope brainbuster. Canadian Destoryer and Matt Cross both came in during the orginally scheduled Pac vs. Generico match asking to be involved. Match was a highlight film for the ages.

4. “Lonesome” Jay Bradley defeated Steven Walters after the larieto

5. Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana defeated Davey Richards after a running knee strike to the mouth KOed Davey. Davey’s mouthguard popped out of his mouth when the knee stike landed. Afterward, Richard’s Team Ambition member Canadian Destroyer give Colt the Canadian Destroyer.

6. Resistance Pro World Tag Team Tournament – First Round Match: Da Soul Touchaz (Marshe Rocket & Willie Richardson) defeated The Lucha Squad (Gringo Loco y Heros) after Willie pinned Heros with the Pounce, period after interference from Soul Touchaz Acid Jazz. Da Soul Touchaz advance to round two, the Touchaz then beat down the Lucha Squad after the match to add insult to injury.

7. #1 Contenders Match – for a shot at the Resistance Pro Women’s Title on the next show: Sassy Stephie defeated Cheerleader Melissa after The Matrix (one of Melanie Cruise’s assistants) came down and blew powder into Melissa’s face which blinded up Melissa to be rolled up.

8. Three Way – No DQ, No Countouts, No Time Limit Match to crown the first RESISTANCE PRO HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Harry Smith defeated Kevin Steen and the Sheik to win the title. Smith submitted Steen with the sharpshooter to win the title. After the match Billy Crogan presented the championship to Harry only to have Rhino make a suprise appearance as seen in the youtube clip…

Resistance Pro returns with Vicious Circle on Friday February 17, 2012 at the Excalibur in Chicago IL. 7pm bell time – all ages

1. RESISTANCE Pro Heavyweight Championship Match: Harry Smith (champion) vs. Rhino

2. RESISTANCE Pro Womens Championship Match: Melanie Cruise (champion) vs. Sassy Stephie

already signed: Matt Cross, Steven Walters, “Lonesome” Jay Bradley, The Kentucky Buffet (“Extra Crispy” Alex Castle, & “Original Recipe” Matt Cage), Sugar Dunkerton & Aaron Epic


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