Kamala Undergoes More Surgery, Jesse Ventura Suing TMZ?

Kamala Undergoes More Surgery

Following surgery to have his foot amputated, WWE Legend Kamala has reportedly returned to the hospital to have the rest of the effected leg removed. Kamala Jr, the son of Kamala, real name James Harris, posted the following on Facebook:

"Please pray for Kamala Sr as he is back in the hospital, they are having to remove the upper part of the same leg. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!"

Jesse Ventura Suing TMZ?

TMZ recently reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jesse Ventura was pulled over for tailgating in California this past Monday, a story which Ventura says is "fabricated." "I haven't left Minnesota in a month," Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura told the Alex Jones radio show on Wednesday. "My attorney is on it, we are going to threaten a lawsuit on this."

Additionally, Ventura says he feels this is part of a smear campaign by TMZ, and that he hasn't been to California since July. You can check out the original TMZ story if you CLICK HERE.


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