Impact Wrestling Results (12/8) – Final Resolution Draws Near, Hardy/Styles vs Jarrett/Roode in Main Event Tag Match

Sting says they are going to get right down to it and tells Bobby Roode to come to the ring, and Sting tells him they still have some consequences to deal with this week. Sting calls Dixie Carter to the ring, and tells her not to worry about Roode because he won't do anything while Sting is there. He says he didn't forget about Roode putting his hands on Dixie and they will deal with it right now because he needs to apologize to her right now. Roode gets his own mic and asks if Sting is serious, but says he will apologize because that's the type of man he is, and asks Sting to give them some space.

Roode tells Dixie he is sorry that he wasn't honest with her, but he can tell the truth now because he is the champion and business has been great since he beat James Storm. He says everyone wants to jump on the train, but he wouldn't even sell her a ticket because she isn't woman enough. Sting tries to go after him but Dixie tells him to stop, and Roode says he isn't finished and calls her a fraud. He says she is a daddy's girl who isn't competent enough to run a company, and he is the biggest thing in wrestling today. Roode says he just spit in the face of authority, then laughs and spits on Dixie and runs away as Sting chases him up the ramp.

Samoa Joe vs Abyss

Joe tries to run the ropes but Abyss hits a shoulderblock then charges the corner, but Joe ducks him and hits a heel kick in the corner. He tries running the ropes again, but Abyss clotheslines him then throws him into the corner and punches him as we go to a commercial break. When we return, Abyss chases the ref away and goes towards Joe, but Joe hits an atomic drop and a splash, then throws some punches and headbutts before going up top. Joe measures him but Abyss catches him and sets up for a chokeslam, but Joe counters so Abyss clotheslines him instead. He goes for another clothesline but Joe kicks him in the head then hits a running knee in the corner. (Cont'd…)


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