Impact Wrestling Results (12/8) – Final Resolution Draws Near, Hardy/Styles vs Jarrett/Roode in Main Event Tag Match

Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett & Bobby Roode

Jeremy Borash tries to make the introductions but Hardy and AJ jump their opponents and take the fight outside and throw them into the barricades. AJ hits some kidney punches then throws Roode back into the guardrail, but Jarrett attacks him from behind then throws him back in the ring. He whips AJ off the ropes but he gets leapfrogged then hit with a dropkick and AJ tries to springboard but Jarrett moves and AJ tweaks his leg. Roode and Hardy tag in, but Roode looks worried about getting in as we go to a commercial break. When we return, Hardy hits an atomic drop and legdrop on Roode, then gets a two count and throws Roode into the corner and tags out.

AJ chops Roode in the corner until the ref backs him away, and Roode kicks his injured knee then tags Jarrett and tells him to go after him. AJ gets whipped into the corner but hits Jarrett and knocks Roode off the corner, then turns around but Roode pulls him on the apron and slams his knee off the apron. Roode gets back in and rakes AJ's back and continues to work on his knee, then digs his thumb into his eye and tags Jarrett back in. He jumps on AJ's leg then punches Hardy on the apron and continues to use quick tags to keep AJ down. Roode comes back in and kicks AJ then tries to suplex him, but AJ throws an elbow then hits a Pele kick and crawls to make the tag to Hardy. Jarrett runs across the ring and stops it but Hardy loses it and beats the hell out of Jarrett all the way backstage and Karen follows them and tries to stop it.

Hardy doesn't let up and beats him in a tunnel as we go back to the ring where Roode gains control and puts AJ in a single leg crab until AJ gets to the ropes. Roode shoves the ref then AJ hits some clotheslines and a backdrop, and tries to lift him for a fireman's carry but his knee gives out. Roode hits a spinebuster and sets up a fisherman's suplex, but AJ hooks the leg and rolls him up for the win. Roode attacks after the bell but AJ responds with a flying forearm shot that knocks Roode outside, then AJ hits a suicide dive and chases Roode up the ramp. Roode makes his way to the back and AJ plays to the fans, but Roode sneaks up behind him again and takes his leg out. He slams him on the stage then throws it into a piece of the stage, and screams at AJ that they will fight but AJ won't get the title because he can't beat him. 

Winners – AJ Styles & Bobby Roode