CM Punk Speaks On Top Spot In WWE, Rock/Cena, WWE 12, More

CM Punk

The following are highlights from a new interview with CM Punk from the NY Post.

Punk on the accuracy of the new WWE 12 video game: "It’s dead-on, the only thing I would love to see maybe next year is a ‘lack of sleep’ meter. Factor in like ‘Hey CM Punk did media all day and his lack of sleep meter is full’ and then you get a crappy match because of it. That would be really accurate."

Punk on competition with John Cena for the top spot in WWE: "It’s really interesting that nobody has been able to scratch at Cena as the ace of the company. I’ve always been a believer in my own abilities and have said if given a shot I could be that guy. I think John Cena’s appeal is that he’s a superhero, a big muscle-bound He-Man type guy. I’ve beat John Cena in merchandise sales and I won’t get into that but if you put my ugly face on a poster, because I don’t look like a superhero."

Punk on his WWE title match going before Rock & Cena: "I don’t feel slighted about that at all. Rock coming back is a big deal and everybody wants to produce in [Madison Square] Garden. The slogan on the back of my t-shirt is not just as slogan on the back of a t-shirt, I truly am the best in the world. Rock and Cena are going to be sitting in Gorilla when I get done with my match and walk through with my WWE Title and say ‘follow that.’"

Check out the complete interview online at