WWE RAW Results (10/3) – Big 12 Man Tag Match, Does HHH Get A Vote Of Confidence?

Henry gets a microphone and says Morrison knows what it is like to be in the ring with a beast, and he found out the result just like Orton. He says now that he defended his title last night, he is done with Orton and he says he heard someone else is looking for him. Henry says he is not hard to find, and he will be there at Smackdown to make sure Big Show has the shortest return ever. He tells Big Show he is going to put him back on the shelf and back into the Hall of Pain.

John Laurinitis is listening to the disgruntled wrestlers and he says he wanted to know if R-Truth and Miz filed a lawsuit and Otunga says not to worry about it. He says he wants to know what HHH is going to do about their grievances, then Vickie says they should go air their problems in the ring to the public. Everyone agrees and they leave the room as John reaches into his jacket and starts texting someone on his phone.

The group of Superstars join Alberto Del Rio in the ring and he says he was supposed to enjoy regaining his WWE Championship, but he couldn't because two fired Superstars attacked him. He says the cell coincidentally raised and then locked them inside when Alberto won, and HHH is the only man with that power. Christian takes the mic and says HHH being the COO is fine, but him running the show is making it unsafe for them. Cody says this is all because of his enormous ego, and Dolph says they will actually do something about it and take things into their own hands. (Cont'd…)