WWE RAW Results (9/26) – Superstars Unhappy w/ HHH, Ryder Gets US Title Shot, Punk vs Del Rio Main Event

United States Championship
Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Jack Swagger)

Dolph punches and kicks Zack then drops an elbow in between his shoulders and hits a splash in the corner. He kicks Zack in the middle of the ring and slaps him in the head, then attempts a corner clothesline but Zack moves and starts unloading on him with some right hands, then backs up and kicks him in the jaw. Vickie gets on the apron to make a distraction as Zack attempts a Rough Ryder, but he misses and falls on to the ropes. Swagger pulls him throat first on the ropes and Dolph hits the Zig Zag for the win. 

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Dolph and Swagger attack him after the match until Air Boom runs out and makes the save, then Teddy Long comes out and tells them to hold up. He tells Vickie that she has three minutes to find them a tag partner, and they will have a six man tag match featuring the five men at ringside. Teddy says if she can't find anyone, it will be a handicap match and Vickie runs up the ramp to go look for someone as Swagger and Dolph wait for her to return while Air Boom checks on Zack. We go to a commercial, but when we return Vickie is still backstage and this will be a 3 on 2 handicap match.

Zack Ryder & Air Boom vs Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler & ???

Kofi works on Swagger for a bit then tags in Bourne who hits a top rope elbow then tries to hiptoss Swagger out of the corner. He is unsuccessful and Swagger shoves him across the ring and tags in Dolph and they use quick tags to keep Bourne grounded. Bourne finally fights out of the corner and hits Swagger with double knees and gets the tag. Kofi leaps over the ropes and punches him in the corner as Vickie finally returns with someone, and she leads Mason Ryan down to the ring.  (Cont'd…)


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